Application for Together Time Admission 2022-2023
Please complete this online Application for Together Time Admission, and review your information carefully before submitting.
Before completing the Application form, you will be required to pay the non-refundable $25 application fee (via secure credit card payment).
You will also be required to upload a family photo (jpeg format, max 3mb). Please be aware of the file size limit; if you attach a larger file, there may be server delays and you may not receive email confirmation about your application.
Please note that you will have to complete this application in one session. After submitting the application, you will receive an email confirming receipt of the completed application; please check your spam folder if you do not receive the email.
Notification will be emailed in March 2022.
Please note that children attending Grace Church School must be up-to-date with immunizations. Only medical exemptions will be accepted.
Grace Church School actively encourages a diverse educational community. We welcome boys and girls of of all faiths, races, ethnic and economic backgrounds. Financial Aid is available and is awarded on the basis of need and availability of funds.